One of Harrogate’s leading providers of high-quality office solutions has completed the refurbishment of a new furnished prime workspace.
Windsor House landlord Boultbee Brooks have completely renovated one of their ground-floor corner offices to provide a state-of-the-art complex including its own private kitchen facility and meeting room.
The new suite offers 1,800 sq ft of space and has been furnished by renowned suppliers RU_Creative who previously worked with Windsor House on the completion of its stunning Palm Court café area. One of two units to have been redesigned and fitted out with high quality office equipment, the first was snapped up by new tenants Avery Fairbank, and Windsor House Property Manager Karen Winspear expects the recently completed ground floor space to attract a great deal of attention.
“We are thrilled with the two new offices and believe they set a new standard for state-of-the-art quality workspaces for the business people of Harrogate,” she said.
“Seeing them completed and furnished allows businesses to visualise how many staff members they can accommodate within the space, while the high-quality furniture will stand the test of time and therefore be more sustainable."
“This is a new venture for us here at Windsor House, being the first furnished offices that we have provided for tenants and we were delighted that Avery Fairbank signed up so quickly to take up residency with us and join the Windsor House family.
“The larger unit – room 3.20/21 – is an impressive ground-floor corner office space complete with its own kitchen and meeting room, with provision for parking. It is wonderfully kitted out with all the equipment needed for a modern office environment and we feel sure that it will provide a wonderful home for one lucky business.”
As tenants themselves at Windsor House, interior experts RU_Creative are proud to have played a role in the renovations and owner Rob Umpleby highlighted the current trend of businesses looking for complete office solutions.
Rob comments:
“We were delighted to work on this stunning space within Windsor House, a thriving work facility in the heart of Harrogate where we are also extremely happy to be based."
“We have noticed a trend since Covid where businesses are looking for that complete, fully furnished, option when it comes to providing their workforce with a comfortable, modern and inspiring alternative to working from home. This space definitely provides that.”

Windsor House, situated on Cornwall Road across from the wonderful Valley Gardens, was built as a hotel in the early 1900s and has been transformed into a thriving business hub offering 75,000 sq ft of office space for more than 100 tenants.
As well as on-site car parking and reception services, it also boasts the Palm Court café, showering and locker facilities, bike storage and a host of meeting room options.