Record-Breaking Feat Inspires Mayor’s Charity Effort

“I had this skill, so I wanted to put it to good use…” says Councillor Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE as she talks about her amazing swimming career.
It’s at this time of year that Councillor Bradshaw, the current Mayor of Charnwood, - finds herself reflecting on a couple of her most remarkable achievements.
Forty-five years ago – on 19 August 1979 – Councillor Bradshaw successfully swam across the English Channel to France at the tender age of 15. It took her 10 hours and nine minutes. Some 23 years later– on 5 August 2002 – Councillor Bradshaw achieved the feat once again but this time swimming butterfly rather than front crawl.
Her finishing time of 14hrs 18mins set a world record for the fastest swim across the Channel using that stroke, and it still stands to this day.
Councillor Bradshaw combined completing these impressive feats of endurance with fundraising and was awarded an MBE in the 2006 Queen’s New Year’s Honours list for “Services to Swimming and Charity”.
Her fundraising efforts have continued and in her role as Mayor this year, she is helping chosen charities Dogs Trust Loughborough and Living Without Abuse. Councillor Bradshaw is planning several fundraising events drawing upon both her sporting past and career as a business and mindset life coach – a “unique swimming event”, a dog walk, a dinner and mayoral swim talk, and offering organisations the chance to book her for a motivational talk, with the proceeds going to her chosen charities.