A hanging basket competition is returning to Charnwood for 2024 with some great prizes on offer.
The Council’s open spaces partner idverde and Loughborough in Bloom are inviting residents across the borough to put on their gardening gloves and plant-up a hanging basket.
To enter, residents will need to attend a planting workshop at the Dishley Residents Association Party in the Park event at Bunny Hill, off Maxwell Drive in Loughborough on Saturday June 15 between 12pm and 2pm.
The workshop and competition are free to enter and the hanging baskets produced will be judged later in the summer.
The prizes up for grabs are:
First prize – two annual memberships to The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
Runners-up prize - £50 National Garden Gift Voucher.
Spaces to enter the competition will be on a first-come, first-served basis and can be booked by emailing Nicola.Clarke@idverde.co.uk.
This is the third consecutive year that the idverde Hanging Basket Competition has taken place in Charnwood.