Nectar360 which owns and operates Nectar, the UK’s largest coalition loyalty scheme, has extended its partnership with the Woodland Trust until 2027. This collaboration allows customers to support vital conservation efforts while earning rewards for their everyday shopping.
The Nectar and Woodland Trust partnership was launched in 2021, following a successful corporate partnership between the charity and Sainsburys which has been in place since 2004; playing a key role in conservation projects, including planting over 5.1 million trees and protecting more than 2,000 acres of woodland across the UK.
The extended partnership provides customers with ways to get involved and make a positive environmental impact while collecting Nectar points:
Earning 20 points for every £1 spent on Woodland Trust memberships online, directly supporting conservation
Members can collect triple points on Sainsbury’s favourites, including apples, eggs, chicken, turkey, reusable bags and cards
Donating points to fund Woodland Trust initiatives, such as:
500 points to create wildflower meadows
2,000 points to plant a tree
5,000 points to restore woodlands, helping capture one tonne of carbon annually
Amir Rasekh, Director of Nectar360, said: “The partnership with the Woodland Trust offers customers a simple way to support the environment while earning rewards. As part of Sainsbury’s Plan for Better, the company is committed to protecting and regenerating natural ecosystems and collaborations like this are key to achieving those goals.”
The partnership with the Woodland Trust highlights both Nectar’s and Sainsbury’s commitment to sustainability. Through Sainsbury’s Plan for Better, the business is focused on reducing carbon emissions, food waste and plastic, while improving recycling, water efficiency, and biodiversity efforts. Nectar’s role in this initiative provides customers with even more ways to actively contribute to these goals while enjoying rewards.
The Woodland Trust was established in 1972 and is now the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity, with more than 500,000 members and supporters.
With a vision of a world where woods and trees thrive for people and nature, today the Trust owns and cares for more than 1,000 woodland sites, covering around 33,000 hectares.
The Woodland Trust has three key aims:
Protecting the UK’s rare, unique and irreplaceable ancient woodland.
Restoring damaged ancient woodland, nurturing precious pieces of our natural heritage back to life.
Establishing new native trees and woods to create healthy, resilient landscapes for people and wildlife.
Access to all Woodland Trust woods is free so everyone can experience the physical and mental benefits of trees.