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  • Writer's picturePaul Andrews

Jacqueline O'Donovan Set To Be An NBCA Judge!

Jacqueline O'Donovan, managing director of O’Donovan Waste, has been invited to join the esteemed judging panel of the National Building and Construction Awards (NBCA).

The NBCAs showcase and celebrate the achievements of the industrious, hardworking and enterprising building and construction businesses. The awards comprise of 19 categories that allow any UK construction business to enter, with all submissions meticulously scrutinised by subpanels of four judges who will be looking for significant and sustained performance over the last 12 months.

Jacqueline has previously been recognised for her outstanding leadership and vision winning several prestigious business and entrepreneurial awards including PwC ‘Privatebusinesswoman of the Year’, Growing Business Awards ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ and has twice been awarded the ‘Director of the Year’ title by the Institute of Directors (IoD).

The O'Donovan business has previously been an NBCA winner, recognised for having invested substantial time and resources into ongoing health and safety training, cultural and technological innovation, and for its continuous work to surpass and exceed standards for safety and best practice in the sector.

Jacqueline commented, “The awards are the perfect opportunity to recognise and reward the work of some of the exceptional dedication and talent that we see in the construction sector. I would encourage others in the sector to get involved and I look forward to working with my fellow judges on the panel to select those who have gone above and beyond to deserve the industry recognition such an award will bring.”


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